The Great Communicator

Cocksucker Chris is an absentee representative who only has a job thanks to tortured gerrymandering. There's no reason to bring his constituents into this.

Kind of, but replace "dog" with "son", and "or something" with "repeatedly".

My dad's last dog was a Great Dane mix we adopted at 9 years old. She was a gem. She was always relaxed, affectionate, and well-behaved. We expected her to live just a couple more years at most, but she stayed with us for 5 1/2 years. I'd adopt another old dog in a heartbeat.

I got so frustrated with that shrine (motion controls were off, perspective was off, nothing behaved like it should) that I started flailing my Wii U tablet around, and ended up batting that ball across the gap with the maze itself. I'm probably going to stick with that solution in the future.

He has a history with that shark - a prehistory.

Does anyone have the Echo Dot? I'm thinking about buying it, but I'd like to know what I can use it for other than playing my jams. I'd also like to know how well it works, too. I have a Kinect for my Xbone that has an attitude problem; it refuses to listen the first few times, and activates at inopportune times when

So who wins? That's the only thing that interests me about this movie, and I don't plan on sitting through the whole thing to find out.

I was expecting this film to be mostly wasted potential, I'm glad to see the A.A. Dowd seal of approval.

Really? I should look into P4 to play during the summer gaming drought, then. It's been out long enough I should get a deal on it.

Oh man, the Turtle! One of my favorite US naval stories (even though it was ultimately ineffective)!

It is. I used to have one under the couch, and it would give you a small kick under the seat.

There are other differences; pizzerias around here usually use sweeter sauce but less of it, but plenty of cheese.

Honestly, I'd chalk your coworker's attitude to the general Buffalo attitude that no-one else's pizza & wings measure up. That, and every pizza joint here is so similar, it's jarring to find that other

Being from Buffalo, I absolutely love the "cup and char" style pepperoni we have on our pizza. It turns the pepperoni into little grease-filled teacups with crispy edges. I didn't learn until late last year that it was a regional style.
I can't really say the same about our pizza's other characteristics; I'm a fan of

I hear nothing but good things about the Persona games, but I can't find it in me to actually play them. It's likely due to the time investment, difficulty, and my own aversion to JRPGs (not that any of these are even good reasons not to play excellent games). Still, I've said the same thing about Monster Hunter, and

You thought right. Thank you!

I always got unnerved whenever I heard, "¡Detrás de ti, idiota!"

After finishing up Resident Evil 4 (third playthrough, first on PS4), which is still a thrilling experience, I'm now onto the first game's REmake. It's my first time playing (on "hike" difficulty), and I'm enjoying greatly so far (I just killed the Prototype Crimson Head). It's a markedly different experience than

The Walmart near me stocks full-sized bags of the rye chips for pennies more than the gas station sells their fun-size bags. I was overjoyed to find them near the Terra's and Stacey's chips.

It even kicks off with a countdown to get you going!

I have a puppy that wakes me up early now, but I still have my phone ready to wake me with Battery by Metallica if I need it.