
"for others to take responsibility for the effects of their words."

This is my suspicion.

Gur, I hope you've got some Vitamin D supplements because the shade in untucked in BEYOND.

I think it's a response to the cry by fans on the subreddit about the over-editing. A producer or something has an account on there and posted a few times when the first new untucked came on and said that "We have been listening to you."

I think Oliver waited until Untucked came out this morning around 9, so he's probably putting the last touches on it now.

Have you seen his little video for the cover of Ru's "Dance with You"? He posted a full version of it a while ago.

I don't think we should equate use of a word with racism.

That's not a reply.

"Unless THAT's also part of her bit, but then she needs to sell it harder and just say, like, "absolutely.""

While I miss the puns, I think Untucked is better suited in this format that gives us a peek at the bones behind the set. I love seeing the unnatural setting that is a reality competition sound stage, and the production that goes behind it all.

I prefer Purple Doodad xD

That's actually what I love about the new Untucked. It gives us a peek behind the curtain. Ru's always talking about how, with drag, you've gotta peek behind the curtains of Oz. But we've never had that "peek" presented to us before. Just the Wizard telling us it's all fake.

Ru said in recent interviews, this is the season of Queens who grew up watching drag race. The queens like Pearl, Fame, Violet, Max, & Trixie are Queens who grew up watching, and first learned about drag, from Drag Race. What we're seeing is how these queens internalized that image presented to them and constructed

I'm sorry, but who are you to say what a word means? The trans* & drag community have not always had such distinct and clarified lines drawn between them, and you can't suddenly say this word, which has been used by this group of individuals in an irreverent and frivolous way for decades, the way the SMART queens use

I don't know how "serious" of a crime it is, but it's certainly illegal, quite probably on the federal level.