C Charles

I saw T2 and loved it. The characters are extended beautifully and the differences bemoaned in this review are what make it so enjoyable (although I will agree about the excesssive fist fights and a not-entirely-subtle product placement from BMW). It reminds me of the curse of being a Weezer fan - whenever a new album

In my opinion, this review was spot on. Yeah, the whole slap and everything-comes-full-circle landed successfully, but it was small potatoes after trudging through what was essentially a re-do of the second-to-last episode, a trial that we didn't really care about involving a character that we all had pretty much

I'm still furious at Eli. I hope Alicia's mom finds out, she'll whoop his ass.

Another thing I want to eventually be resolved - why did Peter hold on to, and how did he get, the bloody glove from 2x23?

I think that in the goodbye scene, the warm tone was just to mirror to the incandescent liginting used indoors, as it was an indoors scene. The outdoors scene of Jason sitting in the park, earlier in the episode, did have a distinctly warm cast to it, but I agree with you that it didn't necessarily mean anything,

I'm going to watch it again and let you know my thoughts. Thanks for pointing this out and asking!

While I didn't love this episode (I have the similar complaints about throwaway characters), I really did like it. I think it deserves a B at least. And the headline "desperate…brings up the past to save the future" is completely missing the point, you should be working alongside Matan Brody! There's a lot to be said

Didn't Alicia use it in season 5 in her delicious slashing of Ayn Rand?

Agreed about the NSA. I groaned when I saw those fools. The NSA was one of the throwaway plotlines from season 4 - the worst season IMO, why on earth are they bringing it back? But I'd keep watching, why not see it through to the series finale? And don't worry her wig is not as bad in every episode - I think due to

Did anyone get the feeling that Monica wasn't from Baltimore (there are other places in Maryland), or perhaps a well-to-do area or suburb of Baltimore? All of the interviewers immediately assumed Baltimore, and when they said something like "rough area…" Monica paused before she agreed, and you could see the wheels

I agree, and I think it's an element of Kalinda that hasn't been fully explored (and likely will never be). We learned in the God-awful season 4 storyline that Kalinda was an one point in an abusive relationship, but we never knew much about the abuse. But one thing about those who have been abused, is that they are

I liked this episode. I especially liked the last Diane versus RD scene where RD gets the last word and says that he respects those who stand by their convictions; and that while pundits and politicians can quickly switch course on a hot button issue to be "politically expedient", there's something to be said for

About the whole "phone" vs "call" thing - I wanted to shout it from a mountain top! As all loyal TGW watchers know, the characters have been using the verb "phone" since day one. So much that I asked one of my friends from Chicago whether that was a Chicago thing (he said it wasn't). Literally, go to any episode from

Just saw "Elevator Part 1". Does Louie now live in Spanish Harlem? The camera made no attempt of hiding the "103rd St" subway signs (although that was not the actual 103rd st 6 station), and the next stop was 96th/Lex, which was indeed filmed at its actual location. Regardless of what camera switching or

I agree. I really liked this episode. This and last episode had an element of surrealness, of poeticism, in the way that they used symbols (the flying geese, the child protected by his parent, the visions of blood splatter, the dancing tutor outside the snowy courthouse) that is representative of the speechlessness

What's going on with Kalinda is simple. She's learning the value of friends. She's learning to love.

HELP ME PLEASE - in the seventh parargraph, where it says it's a "twisted whodunit because we know the answer already" (referring to the content of the voicemail), what is the answer? What do we know? Did we see Will leave the voicemail in the last episode? Pleeeeze let me know.