
"Justified" so far has always managed to surprise me. We'll see.

I binge-watched as well, but I realized there was something of a problem with the plot when I had trouble describing what was happening to other people.

When he takes the job to catch the black criminal dude (who he eventually kills later).

Boyd tried to get Ellen Mae killed, killed Preacher Billy, and once sent out hitmen (basically) to take out a rival drug operation so he could take control of the money.

Ah, so you're of the "If you're a preacher you're converting people to lies and are thus evil by default" type, then?

You're comparing "not stopping" to "doing". The two are very different things.

Actually, at one point he DOES use his "particular brand of law enforcement" to try and get money. Season…4? Early on.

From my memory episode 9 is traditionally the first "Let's bring it on home" episode.

Also true. He was superb in "Slaughterhouse". The Harlan roulette scene with Duffy was another acting highlight.

Maybe it's me, but I always figured that was the endgame, though. I was surprised they made a deal out of it.

Oh, I can imagine that scene. Done the right way it could be awesome - the show's "Ozymandias".

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