
My wife seems to be annoyed with me every time I forget Logan's name and refer to him as "Rory's serial killer boyfriend". But maybe she secretly finds it charming?

As a prostitute, I would like to say that you and your dad owe me $300 each.

(Nothing against Kirby. My chief criticism of Kirby is that he didn't do enough issues of Devil Dinosaur. Well, that and the New Gods being kind of crap.)

Am I the only one that always thought the New Gods were kind of crap?

Maybe stop telling them.

As long as we're making things clear, I have one thing to say: it is a travesty that you don't have Plumberduck as your writer's name in the byline. It wouldn't solve hunger or end capitalism or something, but it would make the world a slightly better place nevertheless.

Paul Giamatti!

They should have just put him on a grainy video feed from another vessel in just one scene. Absolutely no need for several minutes of screen time.

I actually felt the other way around.


I never cared for Pearl Jam's music myself, but they seem like good eggs.

"I think the people deserve to have her. She’s owned by them."

They probably crack up as soon as the reporters leave. And then they kiss. Little, fluttering things at first, but then firmer and more passionate. But wait, there's a knock at the door. It's time for the charade again.

Multi-Facial, apparently. But I too know the pain of making the subtext into text.

The Tom Cruise Effect

I have some friends who would very much like to see that.

I'm thinking of watching Smallville that way. I already found a list of about 6 episodes to watch from each season. A proper re-edit would be better, though.

The comic it's based on literally has no end game planned. The author has said so. Why would the TV show think that far ahead either? For both, the plan is to continue creating them until it stops being profitable. We can help!

From Hell did little as an adaptation, but it's the only one of them that I find watchable.

I'd watch From Hell over Watchmen any damn day.