Jonathan Ward

I think it was hard for the film-maker because most/many of the players, family, etc. distrusted the media after the way they were demonized ten years ago and so didn't participate. So she had to make do with what she had. But I think this may open that up a bit more going forward so others going forward will get more

If you are really interested in facts, read "Until Proven Innocent" by Taylor & Johnson. It's an exhausting autopsy of how this happened - basically a case of mass hysteria, like the Salem Witch Trials. But be that as it may, one of the victims - Reade Seligman - made the important point the day they were declared

You would have to read "Until Proven Innocent" by Taylor and Johnson which reviews the facts exhaustively.

No, that's the point. They didn't find any DNA of any of the lacrosse team on the accuser's body. And all team members gave DNA evidence to the police - remember, they gave that voluntarily immediately and then were blamed for months in the media and college as not cooperating. They couldn't win for trying - it was a