caroline p

That's kind of like the argument people made when it was revealed that Lena Dunham hired unpaid musicians to play gigs at her book signings. Or the argument for any kind of undervalued/underpaid labor, which never adheres to reality. How many photographers have enough financial security to walk away from a job like

Taylor Swift is one of the richest musicians in the world, one of the most famous people in the world, and a brand unto herself. Not sure what leveraging power a small-time photographer would have against her.

I don't know, I think that killing yourself would constitute a basic form of integrity after you just murdered a helpless teenage girl. Like, shit, she wanted it so bad that she was willing to die for it.

I didn't recognize him as Martin Short and his face genuinely creeped the bejesus out of me.

I think people understand that it's supposed to be absurd, because they know what TV show they're watching, and they're saying that it's still not OK despite it being the purpose of the joke, because it basically reinforces a practice that's still common and not outdated by any means. That's basically the setup of a

Makes sense, given your moniker

The comments are much more polite than what I was expecting. I know everyone's fallen in love with the show already, so whenever someone pauses to point out something they find problematic on a genuinely great show, the response is usually an avalanche of hostility and raging denial.

Nah dude more like something can be funny and problematic at the same time.

I think that's what they're going for, but it is considerably diminished by the fact that this kind of whitewashing goes on in Hollywood all the time with perfect sincerity.

It's actually upsetting how long it took for Tim Meadows to show up on 30 Rock.

? not sure if you're kidding or not, but mental illness isn't something you can control

Haha, I agree. But then again, it would be extremely difficult to top some of their former routines.

I've come to acknowledge that they're apples and oranges, but still, there's a reason why I as an American have been following Virtue/Moir for so many years. I love their skating philosophy; always, always, it is about making a "moment" on the ice, and when it happens, it's unforgettable. I think they finally did it