Pedro Ferreira

I kind of felt sorry for Neil.

According to Jonathan Frakes Steuer burst into tears in one scene because he was overwhelmed and not used to acting in such a prominent role. Frakes said it was difficult directing Steuer because of this inexperience. Probably the reason they went with Brian Bonsall. Steuer still did a good job.

Triggered much? Poor you.

Tha is true. I guess that's why I appreciated 8-s Doctor Who more, they finally started to tie everything together.

Hi! I'm a man who exists to tell you I don't care if you're a woman, has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. Peace.

I certainly miss 80s Doctor Who but I can be flexible.

Is that what you say when you look in the mirror each day?

I had no problems with the continuity that much in the original series.

For the most part the TV continuity made sense. More sense than anything in the RTD era anyway.

It's become more liberal since it came back.

Good make up, had me fooled.

What does that have to do with Doctor Who?

"Telling people to do their homework to enjoy an all-ages family entertainment program doesn't seem like a particularly good idea." The original Doctor Who built quite well on continuity, the DVDs are around, does everything have to be reintroduced before I see the 7th Doctor for example again?

It's not necessary and is just conforming to liberal politics.

You need to watch The Tenth Planet and no we don't need a female Doctor.

He made money off The Dark Knight though.

I can honestly say I didn't see through the disguise.

Accolade made some good games guys. Do your homework!

"a new bridge officer named MacDuff who Dawns his way aboard and acts like he belongs there." Seriously, you're comparing a great show like TNG to the crap of Season 5 of Buffy?! Get your priorities straight!

"It almost makes me wish we did get a TNG Christmas show, although I'm sure it would have been awful." Someone obviously hasn't watched Star Trek: Generations.