
I clean forgot that last week Harold was due for a talk with the Machine. So it looks like he is on a new course: directly doing the machine's bidding, just like Root. I wasn't expecting that at all.

Sometimes you just need a comedy that is cringe and drama free, with likable characters that are perfectly nice to each other. This episode had a couple of laugh out loud moments that surprised me (when the Old Spice Guy revealed his occupation, and the Eddie Murphy laugh…just typing that bought a smile to my face)

What redactivaction said.

What the hell did I just watch?

But it wasn't an average high school party attended by average high school party goers. These are kids who in the blink of an eye lost parents, brothers, sisters, girlfriends, boyfriends, teachers. All gone. Out of existence.

Just did a google image search on the image: I'm assuming the shot was one of many provided in a press kit as there are quite a few variations of this image out there on the net…the TV Club just chose to use this one. And its a classic! (Shot with a Phase 1 camera as well!)

""but I suspect that it will play better five years from now, when this episode rolls back around in late October in the syndication package and it doesn’t air right after one of the best episodes the show’s ever done. "

Wow. Great observation. That very last shot with them all around the bed, Winger making the lame joke and them all laughing struck me as completely off in tone, like they were in a standard sit-com, not reality.

…I won't be as harsh as you. But I know what you mean. I don't want to see a Marvel movie every week. I was hoping to see more of this:

I saw him throw something…then I realized that the thing he threw had hair…then I realized that it was Seven of Nine's head…then my own head exploded.

What the hell did I just watch?

Indeed! And lets not forget these!!!

In case you hadn't seen them:

Yeah, when I'm in the wrong mood I can't laugh out loud at all. But Enlisted has actually been successful in snapping me out of that mood.

Another great review.

In case you missed some of the pulp culture references: the dance scene from Buck Rogers:

Yep. Feel the same way. Even about the guard in the eye implant episode. Kept waiting for the "reveal" that they were using some sort of stun gun. Someone needs to lend the writers a copy of Austin Powers so they can be reminded that henchmen are real people too.

I couldn't believe he actually said this.

I'll be frank Sonia: reading your Helix reviews have become the highlight of my week. You sum things up perfectly: and you helped me get over the "this is so unrealistic this is the worst CDC group ever OMIGOSH YOU KILLED DOREEN!" phase to the "this is so ridiculous, but I'm gonna watch it, GO TEAM BANANA!" phase.