Liu can't do anger. Or most emotions. Even when Joan says she's angry, it's like she's ordering breakfast.
Liu can't do anger. Or most emotions. Even when Joan says she's angry, it's like she's ordering breakfast.
Taking the place?? She had like ten minutes of scene. Settle down. She's not replacing Joan.
I'm sorry. Was Joan really angry? I didn't see it. Her acting is so low key I can't tell.
lol right? Another season for Genevieve and the rest of JWDB crowd to watch this show for no other reason than to be miserable and complain.
He didn't shave his head for the movie. The movie was made over a year ago. He only shaved his head in December. And he's not bald in T2. Why do people keep saying he did it for T2?!
The idea of shinwell coming back and Watson defending him makes me nauseous. If they redeem him I'm done
Please cite your sources re Liu shopping pilots and U.K. Flop. As far as the hefty syndication fees, the deal was made when the show had higher ratings. Also, typically, shows with serialization don't do well in syndication. Viewers want to be able to
Watch reruns without having to know the full background (like L&O…
doesn't matter why Shinwell killed his friend. he still murdered him. I've read posts elsewhere that he isn't really to blame since the gang "tricked" him into thinking his friend was a traitor. LOL Really? So it's ok for him to get away with murder because he was "tricked"? Seriously? This Shinwell story…
omg. you took the words out of mouth. I can't stand the Shinwell character.
You get they were acting right? What chemistry are you looking for between
them sitting 20 feet apart and talking about bullets?
It's not strictly canon. And GV has a JWDB agenda. Always has. Always will.
Nowhere in any promotion of this show did they say it would be an equal partnership. Watson will never be Holmes' equal, no matter who portrays him/her. I think Watson in elementary is probably the closest I've seen to being as smart as Holmes.
Honestly I used to be a huge Lucy fan. But in this show it's like she's sleepwalking. Even when she gets an emotional scene she is so subdued I find it hard to feel for her. As far as stories go, I stand by my argument that a Holmes and Watson show or story will always lean heavily towards Holmes.
Exactly. If Lucy left show I'd still watch. If Jonny left, I'm outta there. He IS the show, imo
Lol. Right?
It's not 90/10. And the show is based on Holmes, not Watson. I still
think the writers know which actor can handle an emotional storyline vs who can't.
It would have taken 10 minutes tops to proofread it. There's no excuse
Even without typos GV's reviews are difficult to read - or enjoy.
This show can do so much better. Tonight's episode was…I don't even know what it was. The kitty "arc" was for naught. Wasted screen time.