
This might be the most complaint filled review I've read yet. Not sure why it even got a b+ because of all the complaining and moaning it seemed like ya held it in much lower esteem.

If Lady Mormont was named Queen of the north, I'm pretty sure this whole war business would be over and won by now.

One dangerous lesson learned in Kingslanding tonite, do not piss Cersi off! As for Arya feeding Frey the "sons" pie, its directly related to the story that's told in the north warning about breaking the sacred oath of safety and good will when entering ones home. The story, told by Bran several seasons ago, was used

Kinda curious, I wonder how many of the 62 Bear Islanders made it through that alive?! Cause they most certainly couldn't afford to lose many.

Almost everything about that episode was awesome! Yes!

The show's off to a good start so far. Its got an excellent creepy atmosphere and an interesting storyline. Cinemax needed something to take the place of Banshee, even though they are two very different kind of shows, I have a reason to set the dvr on Cinemax again.

Same here. Sometimes I agree, sometimes not, but typically is an interesting take on the episodes.

Is there something wrong with the fact that I continuously check back, till I can finally read the review, all night after the show? Lol

We have had a report of a Blackish sighting! Guess he's back from the world's longest pee break. A sad end for another direwolf, a Sansa vs littlefinger showdown and a heroic end to Hold The Door. Fantastic GOT episode.

Judging by the sometimes lackluster season it has been for Vikings, based in part on the under use of Ragnar and even failing to give him any real storyline until 4 episodes in, it would be hard for the show to hold my interest if they kill Ragnar off. Pretty sure I'm not gonna be all that interested in following King