Josh H

FYI, iMHO GRRM's whole point was to deconstruct magical fantasy. His suggestion was that even if you have magic and dragons, if you are a bad leader, you can still find yourself stabbed by a member of your Kingsguard.

There is a possibility that she is lying, there is the possibility that she will miscarry, but having the kid and attributing Jaime as the Father would leave the child an insecure and heir.

Yes, she did, she is the surviving wife of Robert. But my point was that new baby would not be seen as a legitimate heir if openly the result of twincest. I am a bit tired now, so if I am missing your point, apologies.

True Story, although I think he might still also be in hock to both the Citadel and the Night's Watch (unless of course he gets killed and resurrected by someone on team Lord of Light too). Still, good point.

Excellent point, I talked a bunch about that one earlier in the season (especially in regards to Euron's teleportation).

Hmm, I think there was a TON more going on here than just setting up teams (I went pretty deep on much of this in my recap this week):
* Cersei is clearly planning to turn on Jamie, there is NO WAY she can go public with her relationship with Jaime or with twincest baby and expect the child to be seen as a legitimate

Awesome, thanks for the nice discussion :)!

Your assumption seems to be that they are mutually exclusive. You can personally suffer in relation to someone else from less economic privilege and also enjoy racial privilege over a person of color.
A person of color with two parents and a college degree may have economic privilege over you, but you also have

I think I was saying that there are not physical difference based in "race" which does not exist. People may be distinguishable by location, but races are not.
Forensic scientists do not even come close to agreeing on what you are saying (which is why I added the links).
I am sure you are not clamoring for me to


People enthusiastically participate in stereotypes all the time. That is why the "traditional" definitions of "isms" which limits them only to personal animus are so inadequate.


Thanks for the great stuff about the music, but I think you missed the most important part of the entire episode.