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The source is supposedly Lovitz (and only Lovitz).

I have to say, if that lost you then you missed their motivations, as it made sense to me.

Are you sure that's what you saw?

Then you really haven't paid attention.

Exactly—people seem to be missing that aspect of this.

While he'll insult elements of all the games (for the most part), this went beyond that.

I don't understand these comments.

See, though, the key is in what you said about Alyssa's mom. She *threatened* a lawsuit.

What difference does it make if the law doesn't require permission?

You say that like nobody's ever actually made a movie about them.

Were they profiting off it or was the money going to the groups selling the tickets or recouping travel, lodging, and food expenses that were incurred by virtue of them giving the presentation or simply donated to the charity they were representing?

If you don't think that every single film ever made has an agenda, then you're way off base.

It seems to me that they wrote that they took the bus between classes.

Off topic, but that's what I don't get about "attempted murder".


You really think there was no contract, except for the check?

The thing is, though, that, because of the law & contract he signed, Gary Friedrich isn't the "creator of Ghost Rider"—Marvel is.