Or in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? where he totally doesn't call Daffy Duck the N-word.
Or in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? where he totally doesn't call Daffy Duck the N-word.
Careful. Too much and they take you away.
I assume it has something to do with putting the emphasis on person rather than on color. You are reaffirming their basic humanity while acknowledging that they are not Caucasian.
He was disbarred.
The House is Red! The House is Red!
I think one reason people might have a gripe with PC culture (a legitimate gripe, not a "why can't I treat everyone like crap" gripe) is how quickly formerly innocuous or technically correct words didn't just fall out of favor but became very offensive. I doubt most African Americans would appreciate being called…
Nothings ever gonna keep her down.
Heathen Chinee.
And if you mix the Yellow Peril with the Red Menace you get Agent Orange.
Man, deep cut. Respect.
Peed on his valued rug.
Sigh, it's Yellow Peril, not Yellow Menace. Jeez, kids today don't know their racist memes.
Only because you keep inflicting hundreds of dollars worth of damage to Mr. Wilson's property, you lovable tow-headed scamp.
I very much want to know the story behind this photo.
The problem we all live with
I kept playing that clip during the run up to the election, and then it came true. We're well and truly screwed.
But not only is Anka a dirty Syrian (on his father's side), he's also >gasp< Canadian!
For all of his zany antics, I think Conan has the most sincerity of any of the hosts on late night. As we saw just recently with Bill Paxton, he tends to do little announcements when celebrities die and eulogizes them on the air. I'm sure all hosts do this, but Conan seems to do it more regularly than most. He really…
Because they were. There was literally no way any of Bernie's policies were going to make it through a Republican controlled congress, and there was little to no chance of Democrats retaking the House or Senate. Had Hillary won, she very likely would have found her entire program stifled in the same way. I voted for…