
Over here we have Django Unchained and Les Miserables coming up next week, Flight and Lincoln the week after that followed by the Master and Zero Dark Thirty. On Feb 8th there's Wreck-It Ralph and Hitchcock, Anna Karenina Feb 15th, Cloud Atlas Feb 22nd, Silver Linings Playbook Feb 27th, The Impossible Mar 8th, oh and

I hate Bostonian English, it makes my skin crawl.

I came here to say that I don't really care who wins what, but I guess I'd be okay with Adele for Original Song, that song is awesome.

There's something about Chris Colfer that just doesn't work for me.

Me too! It's coming back at last. I have to refresh my memory of how the previous season ended.

She's starting to look a little doll-like and that's a bit scary.

You're straight Max? Awesome!

I'm at work so I couldn't read the entire article (sorry Todd), but I just wanted to say thanks for the suggestions. I might try Ticket to Ride as my next board game, sounds like fun.

I've been trying to get into board games and recently bought Monopoly that I hadn't played in at least ten years. The game really hangs on willingness to trade/sell properties in order for people to build houses, but once everybody understands that it can actually be a fun game. In the version that I have they

@Scrawler2:disqus I see your point and I obviously watch the show because it's funny and will keep watching it. I'm just thinking that it could've been better if it had some emotional depth. Oh my God, I'm starting to sound like Todd.

Thanks, you've captured my thoughts exactly. I think that's why it's difficult for me to connect with the characters because I would probably not be friends with them in real life, they are constantly "on", very smirky and snarky and it's just exhausting.

Exciting news! I hope it works out well if you decide to do it. I've been living with my bf for more than 4 years now and I love it.

Sorry about the internship but yay about the second date! I hope it works out well for you.

Following the recommendation of many of you here, I started watching Happy Endings and have just finished the first season. I find it enjoyable, but I'm still sort of warming up to it. It is a bit too fast paced for me, they talk a lot and reference things a lot so you really have to pay attention. It's not a show I

I don't actually do resolutions, but I'm hoping I will be wiser in my choices this year when it comes to both films and live music. Do not want to repeat the Madonna debacle of last year, which cost a lot and sucked big time.

At first glance I thought you said Black Eyed Peas! Phew.

Sounds a bit like Everwood, except for the heart transplant.

You can also do Dropbox if you have an account there. Just create a folder and share it, you'll get a link and you can give the link to anybody. It looks like a nice photo album if you uploaded photos.

I wore my new bought-at-half-price dark green dress from Desigual. It was awesome, I felt great. Dark green really suits me and I totally stood out among all the black dresses of the evening.

I keep thinking it's Tuesday today. Pleasant surprise when I realized that tomorrow is already Friday. Also have nothing for the TI this week.