Mark Damon

Cruz would have been fine, but special K or Hillary were not alternatives. You are aware that democrats voting in republican contests most likely helped Trump get the nomination? Democrats wanted Trump, they did not think he could beat Hillary. Blame the folly on the sick party out of power.

Do you really think most of O'Reilly's comments keep these Women up at night? Or can they just not wait to start spending ten million?

You still don't get it do you, none of you? We are losing this nation to folly and selfishness.

Okay, than the penalty is ten million. They don't establish bonds that high for Murder!

Because, I think most modern methods are rediculous. Everyday, we are treated to a new phrase to explain human nature. Here's my explanation. Man is in a fallen state, it's called SIN. Sin dynamics Zack.

It's nearly impossible for me not to respond to you? You're good, you really are, but I am going to continue to resist your attempt at baiting me, but abuser dynamics, that's good, that's rich, sounds like something Al Sharpton would say.

You don't know that O'Reilly is guilty, and I will tell you somethin, if he really abused a Woman he should be in jail, not out 13 million.

Last reply to you: WRONG.

And Trump has done more for this country in three months, than most administrations do with 8 years.

Because there has been no court hearing, and the Women were not damaged as they claim, or they would not have stayed, and most importantly, the left does not care when the left does it.

Could be true, may not be. Again, he is a luke warm liberal at best. He tells black people to pull themselves up by their boot straps, therefore, that's a no no, he can now be sacrificed by the left and WAS. Legitimate claims? Don't know, but why now? Why when he's a hundred and twenty?

Progressives period.

It's progressives, that defines those two classes, and many more, glad to be of service.

Alex Jones, yes, you've got his number.

I answered, but the left always avoids logic, like you too are doing right now.

Or settlements, media attention etc.

And because they left and then decided to play the sue game, they could have filed long ago. $$$$$$, get it?

and the left, stinks.

Yes!! Because the same standard is NOT APPLIED TO THE STINKING LEFT!!

Okay, here it is boys and girls: Why don't scum bag liberals ever lose anything for anything that they do? You same people probably voted to put the number one SH back in the White House of all time, Slick Willie Clinton, and yet you were voting for his Wife, who all but tried to destroy his accusers! Hypocrisy is a