Zack Y.

Since VII was built around imitating New Hope, VIII will probably try to imitate Empire.

And, money, guns, shady people too. Foreign aid also is a big plus.

Please, please stop being a living caricature of frothing idiocy. A guy leaving office in a month isn't going to put a computer chip in your brain, not least of all because it clearly isn't something worth hacking.

Why do we need 2 Obama autobiographies & 2 Obama movies before he's even out of office? Frankly we do NOT need more Obama stories, just as nobody's clamoring for more George Bush movies.

Srew that. These clowns' ONLY real claim to being authorities, to being arbiters of what is & isn't "quality" in this space, is some vague notion that they have insight, knowledge, or critical eyes that the average consumer doesn't. If they need directors to issue the movie versions of Cliff Notes for their flicks in

Maybe the original nomination was supposed to be for "Best appetite suppressant" and they mixed up the envelopes.

Why do they even still HAVE these awards? They've devolved into a pointless industry insider circle jerk that long ago lost even the veneer of having anything to do with artistic merit. Even their own smarmy interminable awards shows don't pretend the spectacle is really about truly recognizing the best new art