
I don't know how much 'bloodlust' is exclusively adult. Super hero shows are good guys punching and shooting bad guys. I can't think of many that don't heavily feature such an element.

I said it last week but I feel like reviewing this episode point by point is a bit harsh on it for what it is. A lot of crazy stuff happens, it moves fast, it's colorful and it's incredibly silly at every turn. Worrying about various emotional beats or character development in places is unfair to a show mean primarily

The one piece of information I wanted from this article was who Jason Patric is. But it ended up being about how the second season of a different show was enjoyed by the writer. Huh?

I don't follow what you are trying to say here, tbh. I like that you end with caveman speak to try to make some sort of point about a new subtopic of sexuality, out of nowhere. Do these shows that make you cry and the act of crying relate to sexuality in some way? Maybe we are getting to the root of something

I wasn't bitching. I believe my point was that as a dumb kids show it succeeds and those criticizing it as if it were trying to be more than that might be denying themselves a, simpler pleasure. Which I think you mistook, seemingly due to some personal insecurity.

You cry while watching kids shows routinely? No way.
May I ask approximately how old you are? I was losing interest but that's an interesting point I would appreciate some more backstory on, if you are willing to share. What kids shows exactly? Are they all super heroes or are some Disney cartoons or what?

I feel like you have projected a lot of personal insecurity into this if you are imagining condescension.

It's not deprication of a genre to point out that a kids show about flying around and shooting bad guys doesn't need sophisticated emotional beats to be fun.
I found it more refreshing to not waste the energy contriving some cliche "emotional beat" into a simple hour of mindless pulp.
The guy who says this isn't a kids

Making criticisms that emotional beats don't quite land ignores the larger point, that this is a show aimed at young children who like to see lots of super heroes flying around and shooting stuff a lot.
It opens with a guy sneaking into a nuclear warhead auction by stealing ID off a guy walking by and then bullying

if A.A. Dowd didn't like it, why would anyone bother?

Anyone know knew how to use a proxy also knows how to ise bit torrent.

No mention of The Staircase?

Spoilers for Civil War.

this did not improve my life in any way.

Every third sentence of this review is just you saying that it is good over and over.

After a long day at work, I watch Mindy to escape and laigh, not to watch her fight with her imaginary tv husband.

I would usually agree with you and I see your point, but I kind of saw it as a dumb extra moment that I just didn't accept. Like at the end of Fight Club, he shoots himself in the head and for the story to make sense, he is dead as far as I am concerned. But they because it is Hollywood he stands back up and has cured

Best episode of the season. Never like Clara but they managed to do some beautiful things with her departure and the memory wipe idea was really beautiful and tragic.

Did anyone else have trouble with the sound? I watched it on bbc america and I couldn't make out a lot of the dialog at some parts, kind of ruining what seemed like an all time great episode if I hadn't been rewinding and straining to heat stuff.

People are always calling for Moffat to move on and I see the argument. He has become a slave to his own formula. When he is good, be is great though. I don't think he is going anywhere anytime soon though. It would be really interesting to have something truly fresh. That big, ambition season 5 and 6 stuff was so