Mr. No

Also racism is bad and bad writing is bad. Just so you know.

Giving an opinion on the show. Yours?

Last week The Chanel's decided to eat real food and kick the asses of one off sexist jerks asses in the most out of place scene in the episode. This week they're back to eating air and pining for sexist Chad (one of the best characters) affections and are eating air. With Murphy he can't decide when he wants to be

I looked at it as more of a message about not judging books by their covers. The kid made the assumption based on name, age, and behavior. He saw a frat boy drinking his brains away and thought "of course this spoiled douche killed my dad and get away with it". He got the kind of culprit he wanted, had he found the

Yes, I believe you are right. It seems Rick does care about the way his family sees him, except Jerry of course. Rick does not give a shit what Jerry thinks, lol.

I loved the hyper violence. I look at it as pulling the band-aid off for the audience. I mean we're so used to seeing action/comic/sci-fi heroes neatly justifiably mow down nondescript bad guys and this was another subversion of a trope. It's like Iron Man just shot a terrorist in the gut with a laser blast and no