John Wood

I think you're confusing "third world", which has always denoted poverty and unstable governments, with the term "nonaligned" which denoted neutral countries.

No, I understand perfectly.

Do you miss the old hammer and sickle?

Second world might be more accurate.

You also must remember that in the Soviet Union you didn't necessarily have the option of choosing your career or occupational pursuit.

Ernest Hemingway.

Yes, we should adopt policies more in line with those in Europe. That's really been proven to be effective.

Your comment is completely inapplicable to the topic of discussion. We've always had our share of domestic criminals since the nation was founded. What we don't need is to invite foreig born terrorists whose objective is jihad against western civilization. What we do need to do is kill as many of the psychotic vermin

Like sands in an hour glass, so go the Days of our Lives.

"Listen Montana, I brought you into this fu***ing business, so shut the f**k up!".

I was thinking more of the movie.


Dar is excellent at reading non verbal cues. Keane's interaction with him in that scene was artificially warm, unlike their previous discussion. A superficial view of their discussion wouldn't reveal such; however, a careful analysis does. And Dar is a classic study in careful analysis.

The Lair of the White Worm.

Just remember the boy who cried wolf.

Actually, the Muslims seem very adept at generating hatred without any assistance.

You asked. I replied.

The only good Iranian is a dead Iranian.

You have a point. This season has been different in terms of tone and pace; but nonetheless interesting.

You seemed to have an interesting comment until you mentioned Islamophobia. That term is becoming as meaningless as the ad nauseum use of the word racism.