Meredith Lee

The Cougartown Crew I think was older and that show had a very different feel to it. It was more about being in the now, I think….not trying to hold onto the past or moving into the future, just enjoying the present. It was also much more over the top

And it's also apparently really easy to get into Harvard Law School! :P

Ha, ha!

Yeah, judging from interviews, he stepped away from acting to concentrate on directing because he wanted to be taken seriously as a director and not just as an actor who wants to try their hand at acting. It actually makes a lot of sense….

He really was! He's so much fun to watch….he's just so happy and excited about everything. It's nice that someone who has been in that business for thirty five years still has that kind of excitement about it and isn't jaded or bitter

and how sad he was when he didn't get a hug!

I've skipped ahead to the Fred Savage parts…I think he's the best part of it. The love triangle is tiresome

I loved watching the Fred Savage tap dancing while on coke scene…..so much different than his playing the clarinet while strung out on heroin scene in Rules of Attraction

Watched the whole thing and honestly, Fred Savage has been my favorite part of the series and really the only one worth watching. I love his joyfulness…it's so infectious. I know he's now directing and hasn't done a lot of acting in a long time but I hope he comes back.

Glad I'm not the only one who didn't like this season. First it took me awhile to get started because I just hit a little too close to home right with our current administration but I finally finished last night and it just bored me. I binged Orange is the New Black in one day…..this felt more like a really boring

I'm the same way!!! I'm watching on my computer and I can't even go to other tabs….and I have to pause if I want to click something else. Very annoying!

Agreed! I just don't understand the point of Juliette….her story line has nothing to do with Allison, Cole, Noah or Helen! What's the point? It doesn't further anything along….I don't get it

And another thing….in the last episode, Helen confesses what really happened the night Scotty died….so we're just going to forget that happened because everything is happy now?

there's no reason for us to have Juliette's point of view. The story is about two families torn apart by an affair….it has nothing to do with Juliette. It would be like suddenly having a POV from someone not even in the show. Like a Lorelai Gilmore and/or Sarah Braverman POV! It's just so bizarre. They should keep the

True and Lauren Graham and Maura Tierney are so different that it would make sense that they probably rewrote it. I thought Sarah Braverman was the more troubled version of Lorelai Gilmore. Lorelai Gilmore was far more optimistic and positive than Sarah Braverman….and talked faster.

Watching now and I really don't understand the point of doing a POV from Juliette's perspective? It doesn't do anything and I don't really care about her story. What about the main four? It's weird

Also with regards to the Parenthood thing…I'm not sure how much they changed Sarah Braverman to suit Lauren Graham's personality after Maura Tierney bowed out of it but I really don't think anyone else could have played that character as well as Lauren Graham. I don't think Sarah Braverman would have been a good fit

Oh my G-d, it actually made me mad!!! Yeah, Myles….thanks a lot!!! They weren't even subtle about it and in the scene where Rory and Logan are drinking champagne, could it have been more obvious that it was apple cider!!?! They really just took it too far!

He's seems kinda angry….actually, Mr. P, I would give Myles a break. His head probably still exploding from the amount of "Empty Cups" in the Gilmore Girls revival. Cut him some slack!

And in next week's episode…..Jessie is going to write a review where she mentions how she was verbally and physically attacked by the owner of the laundromat and Patsy's Pies and will provide photos of her completely ruined outfit.