Meredith Lee

Can someone explain to me why I'm supposed to hate Piper? I don't really hate her but she seems to anger a lot of people. I feel kind of indifferent towards her….

Binge watched everything…..totally sucked when they are killed off by Jon Snow in the end. I did not see that one coming. Oh and the part where Alex is transported back to the 70's and she's dating some guy named, Eric. That came out of nowhere and also…..that plot about Piper's husband, Larry, deciding to open a

Exactly! Then you have to wonder what's real? I just love this show so much..

I didn't think the argument was staged….or entirely staged? Maybe it was more deliberate and staged on her part than his which was evidenced by Valerie giving him the ticket. That would make her look good and make Mark look bad? Maybe she was staging it? I think you're half right….it's staged, but on purpose?

I'm not sure it's a culture thing. I went to a 21st birthday party once and the mom dropped us off, when I thanked her, she explained she was coming it with us It was so awkward and embarrassing. I think it's an immaturity thing on the side of the parent. I'm thankful I have parents that get tired at 10 and don't want

That's not even a word!!!!

I did and I agree! Phil has been shown to be good at his job and Jay treating him like a child was just annoying.

Thank you! I had a huge issue with the fact that Haley chose to spend her 21st birthday with her family and the fact that they were celebrating her "first drink". Didn't Haley get kicked out of college because she was drinking and partying too much? The comment about how it was Haley's first drink made no sense given

Jake got fired….so what jobs do they have? I mean, at least with Friends, we knew they had jobs and we knew what they were! In most sitcoms, we know what characters do for a living….even if they don't do their jobs a lot. I want to like this show…but I can't….I'm so close to giving up on this.

I'm not sure how I felt about this episode either. I really feel they need to be nicer to Alex. It almost feels like they're saying you can be smart or pretty and if you're smart, you won't get boyfriends? It just feels wrong.

I want to like this show so badly. I like all the actors but I just….it's not good. It's so over the top and do any of the characters even have jobs?