Cornelius Thoroughgood

Dang, you beat it in a day? Color me impressed. Granted, I was pretty young at the time, but I thought it was still a really hard game—maybe not as hard as Empire, but up there.

Honestly, the main quest is the least exciting part of that game. Not that it's bad or anything, but it's a pretty standard murder mystery/conspiracy quest, which, given the philosophical sophistication of the previous entries, feels like a step down for the Ultima series. Good thing the worldbuilding and

I love, love, love the Super Star Wars series for SNES, and 1995 saw the release of Super Return of the Jedi, which is probably my least favorite of the series but still kicks ass. Beating that final level (escaping the exploding Death Star—fucking brutal) was one of the most euphoric moments of my video-game-playing

I would love to see these reviews go on, but I of course get the time commitment involved. These have been great, guys, and a great way to revisit one of my favorite shows ever! Awesome work for everyone involved!

I had basically the same experience with this episode as Miles did. The first time I saw it, it didn't phase me at all, and in fact, I sort of felt like the show was doing the typical pre-finale episode that sort of spins its wheels until the next week's fireworks. But then I rewatched this episode with my wife, and I

Breaking Bad - "Ozymandias" - It's not exactly sad, but it fucking wrecked me.
Friday Night Lights - "The Son" - Matt in the funeral home. Julie hugging her dad. Damn.
Lost - "Greatest Hits" - Yeah. The review pretty much covered it.

"Roswell That Ends Well" is, for my money, the absolute funniest episode Futurama ever produced, and it's among my top 20 (hell, maybe even 15 or 10) favorite TV episodes of all time. So great.

Thanks! That's basically going to be my approach: just have fun with it.

Tomorrow I dive into Infinite Jest. I have been putting off this book for way too long.

No way! That was always the impression I got from what I've read. I didn't realize it had been leaked, though.

I know parts of it got integrated into future releases, but I always thought the original SNES Star Fox 2 looked incredible.

Except that Allen had a vastly superior '80s.

I like season 6 more than most, but I can't help but agree that its format let some of the air out of the show—not the mysteries (love those), but there was a more consistent tone that flattened out the show a little. I think the sideways stories had the potential to have diversified the season a little more, but it

Not just the last fun episode of Lost, but maybe the only episode in the entire series' run that's so committed to fun over everything else. Like, even some of the lighter episodes usually have serious character work in them or some emotional stakes. But "Exposé"? None of that, just pure Twilight Zone-meets-CSI energy.

Hell yeah, "Exposé." This episode rocks so hard. I second everything said in this review (so glad this episode got a whole week to itself), and also, I love how the ending is fucking chilling and hilarious at the same time.


And even beautiful at parts! It's just achingly gorgeous, especially at the end when even Humbert is honestly sad about what has happened.

It's so brutally bleak. When you find out what actually happens to Dolores, it's devastating.

I appreciate the warning. It's always good to know the difficulty level of a book going in.

Hm. That's unfortunate, considering how riveting Lolita is. But I'll still try.