Cornelius Thoroughgood

Those are my thoughts, too, although a lot of critics seem to think Humbert is making a lot of this stuff up.

Just finished rereading Lolita. Damn, it's great. If there's ever been a novel that benefits from a second reading, this is it. The copy I read this time was an annotated edition, and it's nuts how dense with foreshadowing and allusions the book is.

Hell to the yeah on Father John Misty. That album's been rocking my socks all year.

Whereas we all know Don would instead be munching on orange sherbet in a Howard Johnson's.

Their laughter at the end reminds me of the news anchors on Futurama.

Does Rogue count? I've been playing it since I was thirteen, and I don't think I'm every going to beat that motherfucker.

Even specific HTML addresses might not help you. I've had some EW articles bookmarked from a while ago, and I've recently begun noticing that those links now just redirect to the EW home page. Which sucks.

Let's all take a moment to recognize one of the most surprisingly recurring characters in Lost's run: Roger Workman. Man, I loved that guy.

Aw man, did all the Doc Jensen stuff really get lost in the sands of time? I used to love reading those things! What a loss (and yes, I realize that they are every bit as ridiculous as people say, but his enthusiasm for digging into Lost was damn infectious).

"…had trouble getting into it when I first tried, back in 2006…" — Gosh, Mike was really ahead of the curve.

Mad Men was the first prestigious cable drama I ever got into, so I suppose I have it to thank for my later love of The Sopranos and The Wire and Breaking Bad and all of those shows we're now tired of hearing about.

It works both ways for me. It's a completely rewarding experience to devote complete attention to it, but it also creates an awesome sonic space for me to just kind of live in, if that makes sense, even without being more intellectually involved.

Recently, John Coltrane, A Love Supreme. I put that album on, and the thinky, productive parts of my brain just come to life.

Excellent! Thanks very much!

Sweet! Any idea where I could dip my toe into that? I don't suppose it's on Netflix or Hulu, is it?

Aw, thanks! I'll say, too, that between here and The Dissolve, I've gotten a few good TV/film recommendations from you and the rest of the folks here/there. So thanks!

Mmm. Me too. They're both great (and Lauryn has put out a couple good tracks recently, so maybe she's gotten a few of her marbles back?). I'm getting more into hip-hop, though I'm still not a huge fan of the more "gangsta" varieties, and I'm sure not being exposed to it when I was younger is a contributing factor.

Ha! I'm not sure either of my parents have a good grasp of what gangsta rap is. They're both pretty hands-off when it comes to the whole hip-hop genre.

That sounds awesome. My parents are of roughly the same generation, but of generally different musical tastes, my dad being more of a classic rock/jazz guy, while my mother has poppier (some might say cheesier) affinities: modern country, CCM, Billy Joel. They both love classical music, though, which made for some

I don't know how much you've listened to, but there's been a little hip-hop and R&B in some of his later albums. Nothing so significant as to be a left-turn from his signature style, but he's not totally opposed to incorporating other musical influences.