Cornelius Thoroughgood

Agreed. I was surprised that Sandy was that opposed to it, though it does seem like Sarah was right in saying that it wasn't about the movie but about her showing Ruby the movie.

Ah, well-spotted. I just saw Chucky and assumed Child's Play, since I've never actually seen any of the movies. Good to know!

Whoops, yeah sorry, I meant Sarah. Feel free to nitpick—my nitpicking comment deserves a nitpicking response.

Two things:
1. I totally agree that Drew has stepped up in a major way this season. This seems like the first time (aside from some of the Seth storylines) when the show has had a focused, consistent arc for him that hasn't been facepalmingly ridiculous (hello, Natalie drama from last season). He's gone from being a

Kinda weird that The Sopranos reviews switched back and forth between being graded and not being graded a few times, then. I sorta thought it was just up to the author's discretion.

I love the hat the moon farmer wears: "The Moon Will Rise Again." It's one of those one-off jokes that never ceases to make me giggle.

"With Charlie, it serves the plot and abandons the character, creating
further separation from the person we thought we knew (and the person
the show was presenting at face value)"

Exactly. This girl has secrets, and one of them may be dead parents in Europe.

Some counter thoughts:
-Rory is a terrible girlfriend who is also terrible at picking boys to get involved with. I despise every one of her major beaus, and what's worse, they often make her do weird, out-of-character things (I still don't buy that she'd have an affair with Dean). Why the hell didn't she just date

Guess you gotta let that stuff marinate before you serve it up to the sewage department.

It's a little thing but: There's puking on screen, and then there's gagging, dry-heaving, violent puking on screen, and hoo boy, did Ruby do that tonight. I say this only as someone who is extremely squeamish about vomit—that scene was pretty disgusting, and kudos to the show for making it feel that real.

I got that feeling, too. I'm wondering if she's lying about her parents or something, since that kept coming up: "I tried calling your parents and I didn't get an answer." "Yeah, they're really busy and stuff… yeah, that's probably why they didn't call you back."

I freaking love the music video! It's probably what caused me to fall in love with the song to begin with. I'd rank it with "Losing My Religion" as R.E.M.'s strongest video.

In preparation for the new TV on the Radio album next month, I've been listening to Nine Types of Light a lot. I didn't really get into it when it first came out, but I've been digging it recently.

Solid episode overall, with the stuff that's been good this season (Max, Zeek, Amber/Drew) continuing to be good and the not-so-good stuff (really just that damn school) remaining low-key enough not to suck the air out of the episode. That being said, I really wish the show would give Jasmine something to do besides

I know I'm waaaaay late to the party here, and nobody else probably cares about this, but: was that Dave Allen, aka Mr. Rosso from Freaks and Geeks, as the spiritual healing leader??

Yes! I came to the comments just to say something along these lines (didn't get around to watching the episode until just now). The Breaking Bad connections are becoming unsubtle enough that I'm wondering if there is a slight homage being performed by the writers. Her (ex)husband is named Hank? She's involved with a

Tie between The Magic School Bus and Batman: The Animated Series.

Definitely. It's one of Lost's most exciting off-format experiments, and I'll never forget the absolute thrill of watching it for the first time.

Yeah, I don't really think there was this instead over-the-cliff moment where The Simpsons became terrible either. I still mostly enjoy it, and even though it's not as sharp as it used to be, I'm still happy to have it around. Bonus section is a good way to look at it.