Cornelius Thoroughgood

Alright, man.

What about it feels tired to you? Not criticizing—I'm legitimately curious. I rewatched the first eight seasons last year and was actually surprised at what I saw as a burst of creative energy and off-format stuff this season brought to the series.

Yes! Season 8!! So, not that The Simpsons had really gone through a slump at any point up until the airing of this episode, but I honestly think S8 was the best season since Season 4 (and possibly the best since Season 2, but we won't go that far down the road of unorthodox viewpoints). I say that not to criticize

Probably depends on what kind of Bergman you want. The earlier part of his career (through Wild Strawberries, I'd say) is, of course, dark, but it has a playful streak as well, and he actually made a few comedies. The latter part of his career can be punishing, but it's also cinematically richer, since it's when he

Yes please! Katims, we know you read these reviews! Make it happen!

Yeah, but picking apart the ridiculousness of the Braverman lifestyle is a cornerstone of enjoying this show!

Agreed, though, speaking of Ashes of Rome, I laughed pretty hard at Crosby telling Jabbar that Autotune was "Oliver Rome-sauce."

That is disappointing indeed. She'd be like some unholy combination between Vanessa Huxtable and Peter Wiggin, and I wanna see it!

I'm a little surprised at how hands-on Adam and Kristina have been with the school. I sort of thought they'd be more delegators for more the qualified teachers and administrators who'd actually be running the day-to-day business at the school. Doesn't Adam have to work at the Luncheonette anyway?

Another episode where Sarah gets a strong storyline—there's hope for this character yet! An overall good meat-and-potatoes Parenthood episode, too, with the show doing what it does best: letting these characters bounce off each other in alternatingly irritating and compelling ways. So few TV dramas are hang out dramas

I don't think so. IMDB lists her as playing his ex back in Season 4, which, I think, is Hank's first season on the show.

Finished Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken. It was good, though I'm afraid I don't really have anything smart to say about it. I appreciated that it followed Zamperini's life up until the present day instead of taking the easy ending with his rescue at the end of the war.

Yeah, April was the worst.

Bum bum bum!!

Zeek's toast, for sure.

For sure. Especially since they set up Sarah's cred with this kid a couple seasons back. It would actually feel like a natural outgrowth of a previous character moment instead of some random new life direction, as is often the case with Sarah plots.

Speaking of the Breaking Bad alumni on Parenthood, anyone else notice how Betsy Brandt gets to be married to someone named Hank in both shows? Perhaps Romano's Hank is Norris's Hank reincarnated? If so, he's lost that awesome Schrader laugh somewhere in the afterlife.

Parenthood's premieres are never the show at its best, and this episode's no exception—good, not great—but I've got a lot of hope for this season. Not a single one of the storylines introduced this episode feels like a dud, which is already something it has over most other Parenthood premieres, and the more irritating

Season Two, baby! The Hatch is one of the all-time great successes of the Lost mythology. It's a mystery that is just as compelling after its reveal as it was before, and the way the successive layers of its secrets peel back over the course of the season works great both as a way to explore the characters and a way

I totally agree. It's up there with "Shut the Door. Have a Seat.", "I'll Be Seeing You," and "Final Grades" for me.