Cornelius Thoroughgood

I don't really get the hate for N&P, to be honest. They're barely in the show until "Expose," and "Expose" is all kinds of great.

I have actually never heard the Bowie mix, so I'm going to have to take your word for it.

The music in OLLA is what really sold the movie for me. I could listen to that film's soundtrack all day.

Okay, just to make sure I'm not hallucinating: can somebody else confirm that the worst spambot ever has just hijacked my comment?

It hasn't been an especially pop-cultury weekend, but I have been listening to Iggy & the Stooges' Raw Power a lot in the past few days. Iggy's mix, fyi—I've actually never heard Bowie's original mix. Anyone have any strong opinions about the relative merits of either one?

For what it's worth, I like things about all of his albums. But I also hate things about all of his albums, save one.

Kanye West, Late Registration. Every single other album that guy does has this awful mix of things I hate with things I like. But damn, if I don't love Late Registration all the way through.

True. It's also a movie that means a lot more if you've seen a lot of other westerns, particularly Wayne westerns.

I suppose you've considered this one already, but my go-to Ford-Wayne recommendation is The Searchers.

His Girl Friday has one of the most impressive dialogue-per-minute rates of any movie I've ever seen. I'm consistently blown away by not just how fast the dialogue moves but also how packed full of substance and jokes that dialogue is. One of my favorites, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Woo hoo! Here's to proggy weekends! I agree that Pale Communion is more daring than Heritage. To me, Heritage was a sort of formless tribute to '70s prog, whereas Pale Communion had a lot more momentum and personal spark to it, not to mention actually feeling like an album instead of a genre exercise.

It really was a cool surprise, especially since back then, the SMB theme didn't appear in every Mario game like it does today. It was a legitimate treat to hear it outside the context of the original game.

I could fill this entire post with Zelda and Metroid songs. But I won't.

I love this game so much. I will never forget the utter terror of having to outrun the SA-X. Metroid games are rarely a walk in the park, but the challenge of fleeing your far-superior doppelganger mixed with the already killer atmosphere makes those sequences just horrifying.

Would that every public service announcement followed that credo.

"The killer in meeeeee is the killer in yoooooouu."

So many fucking bad lyrics on Yeezus. Of course, there are so many fucking good lyrics, too. That's just Kanye for you, I guess.

Man, so many indie/alt rockers I could put in here, but I'll just name two: The Pains of Being Pure at Heart and Smashing Pumpkins. Both are capable of some pretty nice turns of phrases, but man, can they also churn out some groaners. Examples: "Heart in Your Heartbreak" for PoBPaH, and "Bullet with Butterfly Wings"

Maybe I'm just weird, but there's something really moving to me about watching everyone in the flashbacks slowly arrive at the airport in this episode—even though they don't know each other yet, it's almost a reunion of sorts, the rebuilding of a community that the form of the flashback inherently broke up during this

Sincerely, thanks! I've never been clear on all that, but it makes more sense now.