Cornelius Thoroughgood

Oh, yeah. Totally. I remember the dismaying sound of my CD-ROM whirring into action during a loading screen and thinking every time, "Man, I'm going to be here for a while."

'94 was an amazing year for console video games, and I'd love to re-experience for the first time Super Metroid, Final Fantasy III/VI, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, Earthworm Jim, Donkey Kong Country, and so, so many others.

One of the reasons I love FF6 is the agency that it gives the player. So many JRPGs have you stuck on the rails, but the entire back half of FF6 is a breathtaking experiment in giving the player complete choice in how to finish the game. Want to reunite with your party members? You're welcome to, but you don't have to

*Spoilers* Sayid's S6 storyline is one of the few places in Lost where I literally have no clue what's going on. For most of the mysteries, I think it's possible to extrapolate an explanation or at least find thematic connections that help to explain stuff. But zombie-Sayid? I really, really don't get it. I'm open to

What a fucking beautiful, fantastic pair of episodes. The light in the hatch turning on is one of the best mythology moments in the entire series, and maybe the best example of how the mythology's sublimity could intersect with the characters in meaningful ways.

Well, I guess that makes sense. Moving can suck pretty badly.

Yeah, I never really understood how antagonistic he got toward the show. I tended to dislike the same episodes he did, but it never got that bad.

Yeeessss. Thank you so much for prompting me to look that up. Can't find a screen cap, but here they are, in case you want to revisit them: Assatar, The Lovely Boners, The Hind Side, Fresh-Ass: Based on the Novel "Tush" by Assfire.

A personal favorite of mine from season 5:

Yeah, there's still lots to love about 4 and even 6. If nothing else, S6 gave us "Leap Day," which is one of the most gloriously weird episodes of 30 Rock ever.

Cool! If we're doing this:
2 > 3 > 7 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 6. On any given day, I might switch around the middle three, but the top and bottom two are solidified for me.

If you held a gun to my head and forced me to pick, I'd probably name 6 as the weaker season, but there's no doubt in my mind that they're the show's two weakest. 5 is a pretty great season, I think, even if it's not up to the standards of the absolute best seasons the show had to offer.

I also don't really like the pilot that much, but for some reason, Who Dat Ninja has always struck me as one of the most hilarious fake-movie/TV titles the show ever came up with, right up there with MILF Island and The Rural Juror. So I do have the pilot to thank for that bit of genius.

30 Rock is almost always funny throughout its run, but seasons 4-6 (particularly 4 & 6) get pretty spotty at times. S7 is pure gold, though.

"By Todd VanDerWerff"

Yes. Thank you for pointing that out.

Ah, crap, we probably are just going with S1. In that case, I'll say Hurley in "Numbers."

It's not one particularly flashback, but the cumulative power of Charlie's memories in "Greatest Hits" never fails to reduce me to a sniffling puddle of tears. That's my vote.

Roger Workman is one of my favorite of the show's incidental characters… that is, until he turns out to be a total douche.

I like how the numbers are introduced through the Hurley flashback in which whether they are significant or just a random fluke is seriously in question. It sets up nicely how the numbers would basically be used to fuck with Lost fans throughout the show's run. (That's not a criticism, by the way; I love how the