
I haven't seen any of the Ocean's movies; do they use that same explanatory flashback structure? It was a hoot in this episode of "Billions."

The last few minutes of this episode reminded me of the delightful UK con-artist series "Hustle." Those episodes always ended with flashbacks to explain how the main characters pulled off the con—sometimes after it looked like they had lost money or were going to be arrested. The misdirection of Chuck seemingly

Yes, the only people who actually got sick were the ones who put something in their individual bottles of the juice. There was no contamination of the bottles leaving the factory. The trace amounts of the bacteria placed at the factory were just to give the investigators the idea that the contamination had originated

Wendy shorted the stock. Far from being taken to the cleaners, she earned a lot of money when the stock took a nosedive. Or at least, she will if she buys the shares she needs to cover her short-sales soon, before word gets out about the sabotage and the price starts to recover.

"Wallander" also sometimes airs in the U.S. on MHz networks, which is available online and on the digital subchannels of some public TV stations. Well worth watching!