ethnic jazz

Careful there, Kirino… liking Japanese games makes you a cis, alt-right scumbag that likes to perpetuate misogyny and homophobia since you like Persona 5 and didn't you know that fictional characters have rights, too?!?! Check your privilege.

Her porn films under a pseudonym are way more offensive than Tenement. At least the ghetto bronx war had a cool hip-hop song.

But in my e-mail you called the films racist. Weird, A.V. Club. Anyhow, I'm going to defend them like that bozo on your staff did the racist Skrewdriver records or any film snob does 'Birth of a Nation' "B-b-but you don't see past that! It's really enjoyable! Ugh." I give them a thumbs up, I'm not offended by them.