
She was only mentioned in one of the Earth 2 episodes with Killer Frost, apparently she's a bitch on both earths. From articles they've cast someone so hopefully they explore Caitlin family a bit more this season.

Guggenheim is the one responsible for the mess that was S3&4 Olicity and killing Laurel among other things. Kreisberg is the decent one, Guggenheim bends to what the fans want way too much.

The only evidence we have of him taking it of his own free will is what he said when he had the chip in his head. It's more likely ALIE just lied, she's been shown to do that before.

The funny thing is apart from when he tried to passive aggressively blame Clarke for the village shooting, Finn probably showed more guilt than Bellamy has?? Ridiculous really.

Wasn't a big fan of this finale (or this whole season honestly). Bellamy feels guilty but has been accepted back into the circle by everyone (except Octavia but even she's shown signs of forgiving him..). The return of Lexa and Raven/Octavia being their badass selves was good but something felt off about the whole

I know, they're glossing over what both me and also Monty did which irritates the hell out of me. It's obvious they're drawing out the Bellamy/Octavia fight but it will obviously end in them reuniting. While Finn behaved absolutely awfully (I'm not excusing it at all), it was at least a crime of passion where he lost

I find it hard to watch this show because everytime Bellamy is on the screen all I can think is why is he there? He murdered 300 peaceful grounders, why haven't Clarke and Octavia both beaten the crap out of him and left him there. His love for his sister doesn't redeem him from the horrible things he's done.

I'm only a very casual watcher of Sleepy Hollow so I can't comment on Abbie's death, I just wanted to say as a Teen Wolf viewer, what you're saying about Allison isn't true at all? She had almost no storyline on Season 3 apart from her fling with Issac and she's been mentioned about twice in the 2 seasons since. She

While Bellamy at first seems very out of characters at the moment, if you think back to the previous seasons he's always been quite easily swayed into a different way of thinking and therefore taking the secondary role. He's been following Clarke's ideas for a while and with her gone he latched onto Pike.

I remember reading a comment from one of the people from the show about how flashbacks are subjective before. After all in the 4 seasons we only say little snippets of her.

No mention of Emily and Alison? I'm intrigued as to where they're going with them.