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    I felt like it was pretty clear that Joe/Tommy's only mission to work for Nucky was to avenge his father. I just didn't care for his arc or the way he went about it. In general, I just don't really care for the final season of BE at all.

    I agree. None of the stuff with Joe Harper as Tommy D added up and by the time the assassination happened, I barely cared. The whole season felt just it was just meandering around and I have to say I'm glad it's over.

    Uuuugh! No, not that Sopranos finale again! Personally, I hated it. David Chase simply didn't do his job. You can't just hand a finale of a show like the Sopranos over to the fans & say "here, you figure it out". It's lazy, it's a slap to the face, and it's why I no longer have any respect for Chase.

    I thought it was another uncermonious death for a semi-regular semi-liked character. Chalky's death was week was VERY unsatisfying and just blah. I'm not a fan of this season at all.

    So is this how Nucky will manage to end the series on a high note ($ wise)? He did have that insurance policy out on Doyle….