Zap Rowsdower

Yeah, enough poison to mess Drogon up would have to be in a huge syringe or something, he weighs 40 tons if he weighs an ounce.

B5 Crusade is just a horrid crap festival, however.

linky plz?

Yeah, what? I want an explanation of the gay scientologist thing, or is that just a reference to Travolta?


I can't wait to see Iron Fist with his yellow baseball cap on backwards instead of his yellow mask. Oh, and his John Deere tshirt instead of his green costume.

The thing that confuses me is this constant reference to Nietzsche's writing and the references to god being dead. Do most atheists think this way, that god existed and is now deceased? Speaking for myself I just think that there never was a god, or if there is any kind of powerful force out there we can't see, that

I think he looks great. At least they didn't do the usual wuss-out and just have him wear regular blue clothes and a red scarf or some shit.

The shield is still the only TV show that had me screaming at my TV. Incredible show, stick with it till the end, even throught Forrest Whitaker and Glenn Close.

You sure she's not the new Magic Voice? Her being the new Mad makes no sense.

J. Jonah in the Tobey Maguire movies has to be the best live action version of any Marvel character in history. If they got JK Simmons to do it, I'd watch it just to see that!

You know, the cast here is pretty good, if only there was a way to not have Andy Samberg in it this show might be watchable.

If it's not called Here Comes Treble I want these people criminally charged. And no, I didn't read the article!

Yes, for the love of gawd, no more Disembodio. That is like nails on a chalkboard with more nails glued on them.

"…otherwise known as the “three-eyed crow” that Bran Stark seeks north of the Wall, in between all the Hodoring."

They keep showing the Grand Palace with the sign lit up, but it's been out of business for at least 10 years. I live nearby, and go there pretty often just to walk by the lake.