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    P H

    How come I never got the notification for the email about this response? Uh no not really, but he did have a greendream about his fate, and he was inside the cave for a while with the three-eyed crow, no reason for him to die so soon, and why rush Bran's story? There was absolutely no reason to.
    And leaving out the

    I never said anything about Bran and Stoneheart's storyline being out of order, or complaining that it was just different from the books i'm just saying that they unnecessarily rushed Bran's story, and definitely could have done Stoneheart's, and the TV exclusive viewers would have had something else to love besides

    It totally is, don't make him die any earlier, that's just stupid, GRR said that he has a list of major plot lines in the books, like when an important character dies, and that's what the show is supposed to follow, Jojen is an important character, along with Pyp and Grenn for what little they do later on, and D&D

    Coldhands! Yes, that's also what was missing, that could have been played out over this season, and the next. What the fuck D&D?

    This was the worst finale ever, not to mention the stupid shit from last week's episode. So many dramatic and important parts ignored, like Tysha, the fact that Pyp and Grenn died when they weren't supposed to, and Jojen's lame death that doesn't happen in the books either. Pyp and Grenn could have been kept, because