
I dunno, I think the AITF rape episode was brilliant. Go back and watch it again. Not only for the way the studio audience goes completely ape shit when Edith outsmarts the rapist, but also because of the way everyone downplays Edith's experience (which was kind of the point).

agreed. It's a great "popcorn moment" and very stylishly done, but it ruined the tone of the movie for me.

I would also add that one failing of both Silence and Hannibal (the feature film) is that by giving Lechter superhuman powers (castrating someone through his clothes in mid-step; suspending and artistically flaying a prison Guard in mere minutes) it diminishes the power of his character. He becomes a cartoon.

well when you get dolts like Laci Green and Jessica Valenti arguing that catcalls and "leering" constitute sexual assault, the term becomes somewhat fluid. No wonder 24 in 5 undergrads have been sexually assaulted!

Automatically believing an accuser is every bit as unjust as automatically disbelieving one.

Well, I never said feminism equals misandry, not do I believe it does. I do, however, believe you specifically are a misandrist.

you didn't answer my question. What is your threshold for when it matters?

6%? Source?

How common do you need them to be? Do you have a number in mind that determines when they're worthy of discussion?

Jian Ghomeshi.

or, perhaps we can get away from the "all accusations should be believed" narrative, which is every bit as unjust as the "no accusations should be believed" narrative.

Newt was annoying AF. I'm glad she died.

I didn't care for it at first but it grew on me. However, I find more enjoyment in the actual dialog, timing, and throw-away bits than the storylines. Moments like Rick's reaction to discovering the Fake Doors commercial was still, absurdly, unfolding before his eyes, or Gazorpazorpfield, or Morty's advising Summer to

Jeus, BNL are STILL enjoying the longest fifteen minutes in music history here in Canada. It's as if their publicist signed a pact with Satan. Noting makes them go away.

no, man, go for it.

A good read, but how the crapity-crap can Lolapalooza ever be considered "alternative", even comparatively?

You could have watched them over and over again…. if only you had earned enough sleep research money to finally buy yourself a DVD PLAYAH!!!!

YES YES YES! All good picks (especially some of their post-Budokan time when most of their fans "grew out of" Cheap Trick - remember them being famously dissed in Fast Times at Ridgemont High?). "Stop This Game" and "Way of the World" are epic.

Yes! The Viewmaster reels with the house of cards, and with Woodstock's vampire impression! I had tons of Peanuts merch from the 70s, and It's still boxed-up in my mom's storage container. One day I'll sort through it all. When I was at a very low period in my life about ten years ago I dug out every one of the 50 or

One of the things that endeared me to my now-ex-wife when we first met was her referring to something bigger on the inside than on the outside as "like Snoopy's doghouse", when a lesser woman would have said "like the Tardis"