
I'm SO happy she called her out, again. She's always challenged Clarke, she just does it respectfully instead of gaslighting her. We know Lexa is clearly head over heels in love with Clarke, but the audience's assertion that she'd just fling her duties to the sun and lay thick every whim Clarke pleaded is a bone of

I'm really enjoying their dynamic, congratulations to the writers - they've made me interested in Thelonious Jaha.

Definitely after the fact, she tweeted that during the TCAs. They were near the tail end of filming the season.

I've never wanted to print and frame a comment more.

That's a theory that's been floating around tumblr for awhile too, and it's becoming more and more plausible with the bits and pieces they've laid out!

Lol of all the things you could throw shade at… this is such a non-issue? It was a smart twist considering everyone and their mama made the assumption it was Annapolis when they vehemently stated from the jump it wasn't. How is that a trick? It's a solid narrative choice as a way to tie in the Grounders with the CoL

Lol all this Titus hate. I love him idgaf, he literally only has Lexa's (because she is Heda and more than likely the key to everything) best interest at heart when no one, including Clarke, puts her first. But no, Gustus was Lexa's main guard not her advisor.

It was a nice moment, I'll take it for what it is.

I think it's safe to assume they've all suffered PTSD to varying degrees? They literally fell from the Sky from a piece of their space station. I'd say that's decent trauma? Also, Jackson railed into Abby to utilize/move people into Mount Weather, and then it effectively self-detonated with their people and all their

I think that's the show's gift and curse, they have no time for filler (which is great) but like you said, they don't allow their stories to breathe. It's always go-go-go because they only have so much time to get point A to point B. They suffer from trying to tell TOO much story, and while the world-building is

Well we'll see in the next episode. Up until now Pike hadn't directly mentioned Octavia as a threat, but we clearly see Bellamy's concern when he brings her up after the village snafu.

That was what sold it for me. That was genuinely the most shocking thing that happened (well that and the 13th Station reveal). It broke my heart, still bitter about Wells dying and Jasper living.

Miller and his boyfriend also aren't leads, they aren't even regulars. And it was one moment, it's the sixth episode. Lets relax on the accusation of queerbaiting because this show is the furthest from it. The whole reason for Niylah was to solidify that their lead is in fact bisexual after cries from fans that Clarke

… Miller's boyfriend isn't in on Miller being a part of the rebellion tho

It would've been a nice touch, but it's hardly a glaring omission? They're minor characters. Clarke is a lead. When have minor characters been given moments like that when not directly paired with a regular?

It was hardly battle when they annihilated all their warriors. The only reason the village had the upper hand was because O warned them.

I initially had issues with Bellamy's "regression", and then I re-watched S1 and S2 While the writers did an excellent job of molding him into the Golden Boy last season - he's always been /this/ guy. Bellamy is all heart and no tact, he gravitates towards the strongest personalities and acts accordingly when they

Nope. They're getting the same respect any heterosexual main couple gets on literally every other show. The way they're exploring their dynamic is refreshing, considering most shows would play up titillation between a f/f pairing before even considering characterization. I'm glad they aren't rushing any physical