
I beg to differ. Kotor and the Old Republic canon has always come across to me as essentially paid fanfiction, with how focused it was on shamelessly rehashing almost every single plot element from the original trilogy (even though it's set 4000 years in the past). And because people were reeling from the

Are you really this obtuse? You know who is a Mandalorian who's encased in a shell and who has been wounded by a Jedi? Canderous, the Mandalorian traveling with you. That was the whole point of his arc, the fall and extinction of the Mandalorians mirrors the fall and extinction of the Jedi that Kotor 2 depicts.

Kreia doesn't mention Boba Fett. Kotor 1 is the game which has a shameless Boba Fett clone called Calo Nord.

Now I definitely think you never played Kotor 2. If you ask her, Kreia will make predictions about the fate of your companions, as well as the fate of all the locations you visited throughout the game, depending on the choices you made. Is it incredibly rushed? Of course. Does it suddenly turn the previous 30-40 hours

Saying the game is unplayable without fan-made patches is absurd: there are dozens of complete playthroughs on YouTube of the original version. Kotor 2's supposedly 'worst ending evah' is nothing compared to something like the Mass Effect 3 ending debacle. While Kotor 2's restored content mod is great, it merely

This really annoys me. The backstory and importance of Malachor V, and the concept of a trauma so devastating that it leaves a literal hole, a wound in the Force, comes entirely from Kotor 2 and has to do with its protagonist, the Exile, who was the person responsible for giving the order to activate the mass shadow