
But the wildlings didn't pay for it!

Apparently Sansa is taking on the role of lady Stoneheart.

I would give my arm to see that happen.

Can we not have a flashback of Elia getting raped and killed.

And her flowing loose hair probably wasn't a practical choice. Why didn't she put it up in a ponytail like she used to?

The worst for me was that diner fight scene where Frank repeatedly stabbed that guy and you could hear the squishy sound of the knife going in.

Ooooh that's good.

So inspiring

But why did she wear her hair down? Seems super impractical.

The Punisher needs to have his own show. Like Oprah.

Iron Man is not a street level superhero like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, etc. The Avengers take care of bigger immanent threats.

I love it

I see what you did there

"Maybe Karen thought Stick was a particularity attentive pimp" I just spit out my tea. Thanks for the laugh. XD

You're awesome.

The worst crime of all!

Someone finally said it! Matt Murdock's ass deserves much praise.

I couldn't stop laughing when I realized she was using him as a cutting board for her cheese.

I started laughing when I realized she was using him as a cutting board for her cheese.

Are you kidding?