Solomon Grundy

To some extent, this is what I find problematic about the Preacher's alleged sacrilegious nature.

So, why is God viewed so badly?

The ending was done for shock value, and the shock is *not* that the two guys work for the government.

Mediocre at best.

yes, i could.

The show is definitely worth watching, but I'd hesitate to call it the best show on tv/ Such evaluations say more about the dire state of television than they do about the alleged greatness of this tv show.

It's bizarre watching this show getting so many props for such incredulous storylines - the FBI friend/neighbor and Pasteur Ted 'knowing their secret' nonsense defy belief.


To those that have read the comics: I'm struggling with the show's premise or what it is trying to say about religion.

The season ends with a whimper.

George Martin - or the show - really likes the sight of dark people prostrating themselves before the White Queen.

She hasn't lost her touch - critics have just stopped touching themselves.

I thought this show had delusions of grandeur, and I would have much preferred it without the two investigations (the police and insurance investigations).

I've seen the whole season, and there is definitely *something* there. Vague spoiler alert: all the disparate elements come together, and the show seems more interested in the 'girlfriend's' questionable motivations. I doubt that you'll end up liking it, but it is an interesting character study.

Check out Haelos (especially Pale, Pray, Oracle, Earth Not Above)

Most of the names above were similarly accused of being 'contrived' in their time.

Vague spoiler alert.

That would have been good if it was funny.

Am I the only one not feeling the scenes with the two main spies, but really like most of the other scenes?

No one thinks Lucky Man is a prestige drama. I can think of lots of great British shows that aren't period or costume dramas. The Night Manager was a recent (and deserved) sensation. The Honorable Woman was fantastic, Line of Duty, Shadow Line, Utopia and The Fall are all great too. Many people (not me) really like