
"You see, Chau is a Chinese surname … Chow is not."

Did you not notice the relevance when he talked about the idea of wanting to violently harm someone just because you disagree with them? That's called bullying, and if you seriously are so insecure about your own beliefs that you'd consider physically attacking someone for having different beliefs from you, you're a

Do yourself a favor and watch the whole thing:

That's his schtick. He's an entertainer, and his persona is what's entertaining about him. There's always Charlie Rose for those who are allergic to sass.

Your eyes roll because most of it goes above your head.

What exactly is wrong about Bill Maher's participation in discussion of race? What has he specifically said to earn your ire in this regard? Are you just condemning him for being a white person daring to participate in the discussion?

Larry Wilmore isn't any less smug than Bill Maher. Your use of "smug" is codeword for "has different opinions from me and isn't afraid to express it".

Ah, yes, because what we all need more of is more talking heads interrupting each other so that no one ever gets a chance to articulate a full, coherent argument.

His "weak tea" answers were awful. Talib was trying to give a thoughtful response to the question on hip hop, and Wilmore brainlessly hounded him to give some simple, one-word answer. This is the sort of shallow, gimmicky segment I'd expect on Fox, not a legacy show to TDS. And he's done this on more than one occasion

Do you consider yourself a liberal?