
I was so sure that Kenny was a victim that i thought the hacker had changed his video with the other pedophile and his mother accused him of something he didn't do, i swear i did not get the ending until i read the first review (even in the dialogue in the wood when the pedophile asked him which images he had seen

I agree, i consider it a happysh ending for the main character (-ish because she will have logistic problems also in entering in some places, but i think she will succeed in it)

Oh, you revealed the truth before me, i thought to be original (sorry if i write in english but in this way everyone can understand)

Well, for an italian it does not need a re-evaluation, it was more realistic than "The National Anthem" or "Shut up and Dance" even in its first airing :D
Apparently we are lucky, nobody cares about our political situation anymore; i've binged all the 3 seasons this week and i really liked this episode, probably one of

I'm italian, we've been living this situation since 2009, sorry for the Americans but they are not the first ones.