
Given the time constraints, I actually saw Jasper's behavior as being organic. Based on Super Watermelon Island, I could tell that she's become addicted to fusion and the power it possessed. Even though being Malachite was a nightmare, she more than likely wanted to fuse with Lapis again since it was the only option

If I had to guess, the "Damage from the Diamonds" was a bright light that was emitted by the spaceships when the Homeworld Gems fled Earth. As a last resort to punish them for the rebellion, the Diamonds used the light to do serious damage to the Crystal Gems' minds, causing everyone who wasn't protected by Rose's

You cannot gain access to this organic feeding establishment without first making the proper clearance you CLODS !

I've noticed Fryman's hair since his debut, but how does Kofi look like his product?

There are two things that would've made this episode better:
1) Ronaldo getting back together with Jane
2) Steven had Peridot as the hostess and Lapis as another waitress alongside Pearl

I kind of think Lars & Jasper also fit this category at the moment. Though they both appear to have room to change & reform through subtext and/or the fandom, neither of them have shown that many redeeming qualities (or any) and constantly act like jerks who think mainly think about themselves and don't care about who

One minor thing I liked about this episode is that it cemented Greg as my favorite rich guy in television. Even though he now has millions of dollars, he hasn't let the money go to his head by quitting the car wash, buying the newest car, or moving into a luxurious mansion that would eventually lead to him focusing

As creepy as Steven's body swapping powers are, I'm kind of hoping that this will eventually lead to an episode where Steven uses them to possess Jasper in order to find out where she is

I had a feeling it was going to be an episode where Steven possesses Lars, but I thought the moral would go more along the same lines as the Wander Over Yonder episode "The Fremergency Fronfract," where Steven learns you can't force people to change like that

Right now, I'm just glad the Gems didn't show up when Sadie and Steven/Lars didn't break into the house, or things would've gotten MUCH worse and awkward

Oh, thanks & sorry, that was a mental slip :P

A few things about Drop Beat Dad:

After seeing "The Rider" and "The Bad Hatter," I couldn't help but start comparing Wander to cartoon characters from the 60s and 70s such as Puff the Magic Dragon. Basically one of those vague and mysterious characters with no clear origin who have magic powers and go around helping people

Actually, I was more worried about them censoring Lapis' line when she says "This plan sucks" than I was about this since the censors seem to approve LGBT more than they used to

Why do I get the feeling that Peridot's actions are going to cause Yellow Diamond to send more Gems (and maybe herself) to capture Peridot and allow the Cluster to grow?

Somebody's got to replace Alex Hirsch as the king/queen of trolling now that Gravity Falls is coming to an end :P

Well, when that episode aired, I was starting to think that there was no Diamond Authority, & the Gem matriarchs consisted of the different types of Gems found on Homeoworld with Rose being the leader of the Quartz race.

So far, this Stevenbomb is starting to make me think that Rose Quartz & Pink Diamond are two entirely different beings.

All I hope for right now is that we hear about Weidrmageddon part 2 soon. I don't think my body can handle another year long hiatus after this episode

I kind of like the way they handled Peridot's racism towards Pearls. Even though she's in the wrong, you can still see the situation from her perspective since she's got a mindset that Gems are only supposed to do what they were created to do. Plus, she felt like her own personal pride and honor were being offended