
That part I'm fine with. What bothered me was how Jerry acted like he had little to no concern about how Beth, Summer, & Morty were feeling about the subject. Even if he doesn't like Rick, he still should've been a little more considerate.

Well, except for Jerry, who after this & the last 2 episdoes I have lost all possible respect for

No, but I think Steven, Peridot, & the Gems may try to evacuate everyone on Earth to the moon while they try to stop the Cluster

Right now, I think they're setting up the Cluster to be big threat for the mid season finale (similar to how Lapis was in season 1), & then the actual finale will feature the Gems' first face-to-face confrontation with Yellow Diamond

I think 'war machine' implies that Homeworld sees fusion as a form of combat, kind of like how the fandom does

There's just four things about Tiny Peridot that I'm now thinking about:
* Now that we know she's so tiny, & we've seen how rambunctious she is, I kind of see Peridot as the Homeworld trio equivalent Amethyst & Lapis as Pearl's equivalent
* Since Peridot now looks like a kid, I just hope it doesn't lead to a love

I just guessed this because Steven Universe tends pay a lot of homages to anime & Japanese culture, so this would be a perfect excuse to do something based on stuff like Godzilla & Ultra Man

Sorry, I just got here, so no. But it's cool to see someone thinking the same thing :P

I'm going to call it now. At some point this season, there's going to be this epic battle between Malachite & the Cluster that's a homage to Godzilla & other giant monster movies

He must be having more problems trying to force Yellowtail's fat boat into the car wash

While it is a pretty big coincidence that the past two episodes focused on mother-daughter relationships, I personally think that the writers are pulling us
into a story arc focusing on part of Steven's character development this
season. Back in "Joy Ride," he mentioned how he wanted to talk to the
Gems about how he

At least this Beach-a-Palooza didn't end with Steven creating alternate timelines & watching other versions of himself die

The one thing I can't figure out is how the Gem experiments were out in the open like that. In "Keeping It Together," I thought that the Clusters (mutants) only existed in the secret lab inside of the Kindergarten

Did anyone else catch the Dragon Ball Z reference with mentioning Dr. Gero?

I guess the next fan theory for "Gravity Falls" is going to be who Bill is going to strike next . . . .

Honestly, I thought the twist at the end was going to be that Morty was the original parasite who caused all the others to appear in the house, & he just had a case of amnesia or something.

As much as I love all of the development Peridot's been receiving, the
one thing I'm worried about is that she's going to end up just like Jack
Spicer near the end of "Xiaolin Showdown," where the writers put her
through so much abuse and mean-spirited humor that it just becomes too
painful to watch and you wish she

If anything, Steven could possibly think that he's just a magnet for things being awful

I think future vision seems to work differently with Sapphire than it does with Garnet. When Garnet uses future vision, she's able to use multiple outcomes & can predict he best possible one, whereas Sapphire seems to only see one single future and treats it as if it's absolute destiny

One thing I noticed in Peridot's message is that she called the star system she was in The Crystal System. I'm starting to think that that's how Rose named her army The Crystal Gems