
I never thought of it like that, but you're absolutely right. While Rose & Greg may have never been able to physically fuse, they were still able to achieve the core essence of it

So, could this mean that all of Rose's fusions are Quartz gems?

Great, I was already wondering if the Gem Shards were all Crystal Gems & the monsters all Homeworld Gems, but now this just raises even further questions!

That makes sense. In "Marble Madness," Peridot told Steven that Homeworld was picking up where they left off. At first, we thought they were just planning on reactivating the kindergarten, but this clearly must be what she was trying to do the whole time

Now that Peridot's finally come back (even though it was for a short while), I'm hoping this means we'll see Malachite & the Slinker again soon.

When Garnet told Pearl to aim for the crab's eye, was anyone else immediately reminded of "Aim For the Horn" from Pokémon?

It's just a joke based on how a clip from this episode was first released without sound over the weekend, & one person added a bunch of sounds to it to make up for it. Steven had squirrel noises, Pearl had trumpets, & Connie had some guy shouting "SOUP" over & over again

The only thing that I'm upset about is that they took out in this episode was when Connie shouted that she was at the soup store

Well, the one thing from Powerpuff Girls Z that I hope they do incorporate into this new series is how they humanized Princess. Granted, I still want her to be a spoiled brat who goes into temper tantrums for not being a Powerpuff Girl, but the one thing about PPGZ I liked was how they gave a little more backstory to

I like to think of it as both reasons. While the network is more than likely doing this to save money, this is still a good opportunity for the new voice actors to break into animation regardless.

So, does this mean that the Gems are now looking for Malachite, Peridot, AND the Slinker? I'm kind of hoping they don't catch it & that monster ends up leading to a bigger story down the line.

Somehow, I can see this working as a spiritual sequel to "Garnet's Universe," with Steven coming up with a story of Pearl & Amethyst finding Peridot with references to stuff like Starsky & Hutch or Fast and the Furious

After seeing this episode, there are two things that I started wondering about:

The Sea Pals are probably on the bottom of the ocean with the Watermelon Stevens to try and cheer Lapis up

The only thing I thought was that soccer moms and other obsessed parents would be upset over the fact that the war in the Middle East was referenced in a kid's show (whether or not it's intentional)

Why do I get the feeling people are going to be upset about that?

My Few Opinions:

The only real problem I had with this episode was the ending. It's not that it was bad since I loved Pearl's over-the-top reactions & the fact that Steven was able to summon his shield (even if it may or may not be canon). Plus, Steven's moral message at the end was pretty much soudning like the writers telling all of

I watched a clip and a few commercials of this special &, even though I still didn't want this, I think this will still be a pretty good special since it blends the styles of both shows nicely. However, with that being said, I still feel that this is going to be Steven Universe's equivalent to "The Mysterious

If anything, my only theory for Steven's birth and existence is that he's basically a organic vessel and Rose is living inside of him. In other words, he's the living equivalent to Gems who are trapped inside objects such as the Desert Gem in the pillow or when Lapis Lazuli was trapped in the mirror