
Plus he started off by telling them about how the Gems grounded him from TV, & then weened into it

I can forgive Greg for that, though I'm just mad at him for that episode because his selfish desires unintentionally caused Steven to lose his healing powers

I'm not really that excited for the crossover myself (in fact I was on the same band wagon as the mass majority when I first found out about it) but if the Steven Universe crew is saying that this episode looks good, the least people can do is give it a chance. While I personally hate Uncle Grandpa (though I admit I

I was honestly worried that they were going to have a short arc where Connie hates Steven and wants nothing to do with him, similar to what they did with April in TMNT, but this was definitely better. I have to say that it's sweet, sincere, and optimistic plot twists like this that are part of the reason why I love

One thing I thought of after contemplating Garnet being a fusion is that, since it's confirmed that she's basically that she's the amalgam of two Gems who are in love with each other, does this technically destroy all shipping possibilities between Garnet and any of the other characters due to the fact she's already

Somehow, I just knew Pearl was going to snap at Steven in this episode and say something that would hurt him. Though I thought for sure that she was going to say something like, "I have no idea why Rose left us, left ME, to make some weird little FREAK LIKE YOU!!!"

I have to agree that the Shape Shifter has to be the scariest thing we've seen to date in the series, and the excellent animation and Mark Hamil's role only add to his creepiness. Personally, one of the scariest parts for me this episode has to be when he turned into that spider hybrid of Dipper & Mabel. At first it