Vince O.

I like them a lot but they're no Crispy M&Ms (R.I.P. Crispy M&Ms unless you live in Europe.)

But the second film is the best one! Or "best" one, rather.


Don't forget the cringe-inducing vomit scenes & Anna Kendrick's character being a terrible person to everyone around her.

Stuff a Bird In It!

They renamed the Video Game Awards "VGX" for 2013. Not even joking.

The wrestling fans eat it up because as wrestling fans, you're used to hate-watching garbage in order to see some of the good stuff. You gotta endure births of hands & Katie Vicks to see Punk at Money in the Bank or Daniel Bryan vs John Cena.

I didn't watch this but this sounds way more likable than the Lady Gaga/Muppets special which was so bizarre that I still can't quite remember if it happened or not.

Never would I've thought that Divekick would be mentioned in a "Best of 2013" list but here we are.

Here Comes Your Ban (From Touring With Us Ever Again)

Celeste Pizza uses imitation mozzarella which is crazy to me. Was using actual cheese too expensive? At least this stuff gets it right.

I love La Sera as well but I thought her next album isn't out until 2014?

I watched Betas, didn't like it. There's so much going on in that show that would annoy me to the point of being disgusted with it- the constant name-dropping of San Francisco landmarks, tech blogs & other start-ups/apps, stereotypical characters- but I think the performers are affable enough that it didn't get to me.

Black is the Warmest Color

When this baby hits a 0.88 rating in the 18-49 demographic, you're gonna see some serious shit. (Like this show's cancellation.)

I don't know if I can say it was a good film, or even a competent one, but 2012 was so much fun to watch.

It's cheap & they get an obligatory Challenge season out of it too.

I think that's how Disney's been since that memo hit about there not being a Proposal sequel because they couldn't merchandise/franchise the shit out of a Sandra Bullock rom-com.

Any love for "Whoomp! (There It Went!)" featuring Disney characters? Or "Addams Family (Whoomp!)"?

I think Days of Future Past is trying to merge the universes by explaining it away as "alternate past/future!" or something like that.