Vince O.

I had high hopes for this one, but it looks like they took the premise of the original series & just made another Dreamworks film.

The opening of Hemlock Grove's review on this site argues this exact point.

After the whole "newspaper posts Walter White obiturary (spoilers obvs fuck you if you didn't watch the finale lol)" thing from last week, I think the internet gives no fucks about spoilers for shows they like, let alone ones they can't stand.

Oh hi, AV Club members who aren't dissecting the Breaking Bad finale!

I can't unsee the resemblance now. Thank you, this is kind of awesome.

She was in The Three Stooges movie last year.

Is John Carpenter's Vampire$ any good? (I believe that was the full title.)

Holy crap, is your name a Deadly Premonition reference?

Ever since someone here on this site mentioned that Anna Kendrick looks like Adam Scott in a wig, I can't unsee it.

I was impressed enough by The Conjuring to give another horror film a shot in theaters instead of waiting for Netflix/Redbox. Good to hear that You're Next is worth the trip.

Not enough Johnson?

A "Big Time" cover by Randy Newman sounds glorious.

Yep, Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec

I would love to have a thread full of stories like this, hearing about pre-focus test versions of the shows we know (and some shows that we might love). I believe I saw a very, very early version of that Guys with Kids (or something with the same premise) show years ago, back in high school.

What happened to that month-long residency Morrissey was going to have in San Francisco after cancelling every single Bay Area date since 2009?

I still haven't gotten around to watching Super but PG Porn is the only James Gunn project I enjoy without reservations.

Pizza dog!

And Rabin did totally review it over at The Dissolve.

To be fair, the plane flying upside down was THE dumbest part of Flight, but I agree, Flight could've been extra awful if Travolta was the lead.

Feel like this movie should be an R-rated raunchfest, like Bad Teacher but good. I still don't even know what to think after watching that trailer.