Vince O.

As @avclub-de9878e9d33c60263a094abc94fab3f0:disqus said, what the listed budget is & what the actual budget, including prints & advertising, is are two different things. Theater splits mean you need to hit at least double your budget to break even, something like 2.5x your budget to start making money before home

Wait, when was that Choose Your Own Adventure movie announced?

Chester also replaced Weiland at BFD in Mountain View, CA last night. Apparently Linkin Park isn't playing any more dates (at least in the US) for the rest of the year, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is a long-term thing.

Why would you ask him to provide examples when you immediately dismiss his list of examples after listening to one song?

I'll play some League but Dota 2 is my game.

Big money! Big prizes! I love it!

That Skrillex song on the A$AP LP was pretty hot, better than it had any right to be.

It also happens in Soul Plane. The premise of the film hinges on the scene where the airplane toilet dumps waste mid-flight, even.

People love Dwayne (get it, I'm calling him by his real name because I'm an internet wrestling fan/smark) when he appears in franchise fare in which he wasn't involved with the original. His last three blockbusters? Fast Five, Journey 2, GI Joe 2.

He also added the word "again" to every third line in the script. Totally different.

Those load times, man. Yikes.

Eh, I dunno, it has Bas Rutten & The People's Champ Chael Sonnen in roles, I think I'm obligated to see it.

Eh, I dunno, it has Bas Rutten & The People's Champ Chael Sonnen in roles, I think I'm obligated to see it.

Did they decide what the E. stood for yet?

Did they decide what the E. stood for yet?