
1. Wait . . . so that means he was in his mid-40s when TNG first aired. Did he always look that old?

Do you check for Brett Gelman first? Anytime you have a creepy bearded character, he's the guy to call.

No love for Survivor? The 34th season kicks off, and it's the 500th episode.

I'm thinking this is the best of the CW/DC shows. Yes, there's angst, and the stakes are pretty high, but I have more fun watching this.

Barry = Sledge Hammer? Does he have a name for his suit?

This was a "B" episode at best. A little too "Ripped From The Headlines." At least they have somebody nice as president played by Lynda Carter. And where has she been all season? Even James has appeared more often, and Mechad Brooks is probably deep into trying to get the role of Evil Speedster #4 on The Flash.

She's fifty years old. FIFTY. Hillary Clinton is almost two decades older, and she looks more well-preserved. KAC looks like she looked into the open Ark Of The Covenant five seconds after she drank from a cup that she assumed was the Holy Grail.

And only to the past. Payback would be a bitch in the future.

Awww. I like Bobby.I want him to do well, but I figure he would play the president if Alec Baldwin had more important stuff to do . . . the joke being that it would be a barely-disguised Drunk Uncle.

I think Legends of Tomorrow is tops, basically for Sara Lance ("What If . . . Captain Jack Harkness Was a Chick?") and the batshit writing. Occasionally, Mick Rory sets stuff on fire. Timeless is okay, but I feel it's funnier if you imagine Paterson Joseph's character to be bitter that he never got to be the Doctor,

"I am getting two checks for this, right? I called David, and Supergirl isn't stiffing him for playing J'onn and Henshaw."

"Solovar and Savitar should never be featured in the same episode. That’s a recipe for typo disaster."

The concept of a Cyborg Superman? Works. Saying it out loud? Nobody can make that work. I know "Cyborg" got taken in the early Eighties, but there has to be a better name.

Is that what he calls that?

Honestly did not remember Stephanie Brown. I was thinking Jason Todd and Damien Wayne. I'm thinking that the producers are aware of history, and they decided Steph didn't count because she faked her death. Kinda like how everybody assumes Tim Drake was killed in Detective Comics, when he's really the captive of

Fuck, I would've voted Obama for a third term, especially given his opponent. He may have been "over" Washington, but he would've come back for one more fight, won, and tried to fight gridlock for a few years before resigning and handling the stick to Biden.

Good choices. The last picture is from the two-part finale, though.

You didn't care for the revival, did you? Neither did I.

Is this the State of the Union? I'm a bit confused. I'm not watching it without a filter , , , like how I'd "watch" Fox News filtered through the commentary of Stewart and Colbert. I'll be good with watching the CW, since this would fall under Geek Night.I think this might be the first presidential address where