
Mr. Poopybutthole?

What shall we dose him with?

You mean communist sauce? #makeminehighfructosecornsyrup

Maher has always been cheap trash.

…And I'm not talking about the fact that you led with two paragraphs dedicated to winging about a lack of continuity in a show which continues to mock this exact kind of empty headed nitpicking in the nerd community. Nor am I talking about how the rest of the article seems to be devoid of any analysis and is instead a

Have your editor look this over again real quick. Thank me later.

I was saying boo-urns.

A.V. Club is better than this…

Also Orange Is The New Black was terrible during the first season. It's hard to imagine that much has changed.

Trying to understand why Boardwalk is so far up the list…also gotta say…pleasantly surprised to see Rick and Morty on your list.

Mrs. Doubtfire 2 (Don't tell Mom the babysitter's Dad)

operative word here being "shit".

But was the filming NOT part of the making of the film? Or is editing and voiceover work the only thing to be considered?


I think youre being overly pedantic frankly, I see the point you're trying to make but your point becomes muddled, you can't argue that Tredwell didnt intend to make a documentary, but also that Tredwell's intentions weren't clear.

Right but when he went out whith the cameras he wasn't intending to "feed the bears" with his corpse.

Now I didn't care for it but I must say, I am quite surprised "grizzly man" isn't on here.

Oh wow, so you read the whole article too then huh?

I don't really care whaqt the fuck you happen to be talking about, I just wanted to stop by and tell you that you have a kickass icon.

Funny. I was listening to that this afternoon. And while a good deal of their lyrics should certainly be among the contenders…that one definitely stands out.